Writing - Books, Articles, Documentation


While I’m first and foremost a software developer, I’ve been doing professional technical writing almost my entire career. This has come in many forms over the years:

  • Contributions to open source documentation for various Apache Software Foundation projects
  • Writing articles for publications such as JavaWorld and Dr. Dobb’s Journal
  • Technical editing/reviewing for several book publishers
  • Co-authoring (and then sole author) of technical books for Wrox and Apress
  • Working as a contractor (and then employee) on Twilio’s Developer Education team to write and maintain documentation.
  • Revamping and relaunching a docs site as a developer advocate
  • Contributing to internal documentation through platforms such as Confluence

I realized early on in my career that I enjoyed digging deep into complicated technology and then explaining it to others.


All of the books I’ve written are on my Books page.