Another Spring Semester UT Apps Class Done!

Every year, I get the privilege of teaching a class at the University of Texas at Austin (with Robert Quigley) where the students get to decide what mobile application project they are going to bring to life, and how they are going to design, test, build, and market it! This is a really creative class that is completely team-based around one project. We split the semester up into two to three week sprint cycles, where the students set their goals and give a short status update presentation. We also tell all the students that they have to submit their apps to the Apple App Store by April 1 - in time to get them approved for the big Demo Day at the end of April.

This class combines journalism and computer science majors into small teams. The computer science majors typically do the programming (in Swift), and the journalism majors film and edit videos, do graphical design, blog about their projects, and become active on social media.

I’ll let the students tell the story of what they did through the whole semester - they blog on UT Apps Class Blog

I always look forward to this class - I’m glad so many of our students get a chance to learn how to work on a team and ship a product. Here’s to next year!